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The Proper Way to Lift

Soft tissue injuries are all too common in the construction industry. Electric Conduit Construction (ECC) imposes a weight restriction on all employees of 40lbs maximum for a single man lift. With team lifts double that weight. Anything above that should be done by machine. 

Every day many items have to be moved on and off trucks and positioned around the job site. The way in which any item is lifted is very important. Proper lift planning and execution will eliminate injury. Our goal in the following video is to help workers avoid injury. ECC cares about the health of every one of our employees and believes that a long career in construction is possible with out being injured. Key points to remember are:

  1. Stretch before work to gain flexibility
  2. Maintain a neat job site. Eliminate trip hazards
  3. Plan your lift
  4. Lift in stages
  5. Keep the load close to your body
  6. Keep your back straight
  7. Lift with your legs
  8. If you have to turn with the load, turn your entire body
  9. Never over extend your body with or with out the load
  10. Team lifts add stability to the lift
  11. If you think the weight is too much get help or use a machine

Thanks to Dr. Sargon Odisho at "The Chicago Fix", Wes Countryman Director of Health & Safety, Rick Stellwagon, Safety Coordinator, Hugo Rangel, Yard Man.




Brought to you by the Safety Department of Midwestern Contractors

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